Lake George, New York
27 May 2016
1:30 am
“No, stop…” I cried out as I awoke from the nightmare sweat along with tears running down my face.
The lights in my bedroom turning on as my foster mother Amber Montgomery ran into my room and immediately to my bedside she held my head and with a wet towel she had in her hand she wiped my face.
“It’s alright Jackson, I am here.” She said as she coddled me.
She held me until I fell back to sleep. Once I was a sleep she left the room and made her way to the kitchen table where Kandra was sitting with two cups of coffee.
“See Mom, they are getting worse.” Kandra said as she handed one of the cups to our mother. “I think he needs to see his counselor Cortney Stone.”
Amber sat there for a moment thinking about what Kandra has said, among other things. She shook her head up and down as she spoke. “Kandra, I think you are right, however I want the cha0nce to talk with him before he speaks with Cortney. Will you allow me that? Amber said as she took a sip of her coffee.
Kandra knew that our mom has always wanted to tell me all that she knows of my true identity among other things that she felt I should know. Kandra has always found ways to talk our mother out of doing it.
“Mom, I thought that we had discussed this several weeks ago, that it wouldn’t be wise to tell him. Don’t deny it mom because I can see it in your face. By telling him the truth we could lose our Jackson. Are you stupid?” In a firm voice Kandra said to our mother.
“Kandra Marie Cage! How dare you… Am I stupid? Let me ask you what happens when he figures it out? What happens when he realizes that everyone he loves has been keeping the truth from him? Those dreams are leading him that way what happens when he remembers those dreams? What happens then? Who is the stupid one now?” Amber said as she stood up from the table. Tears was running down her face. She turned where Kandra couldn’t see them.
Tears was running down Kandra’s face as well as she realized that our mother was right. She got up and as she started to walk toward our mother my screams could be heard again. Both of them ran down the hallway toward my room as the scene fades away.
as the truth comes out.
Lake George, New York
27 May 2016
8:30 am
The aroma of freshly cooked bacon and eggs woke me up from a sleep. I made my way down the hallway wearing nothing but shorts. As I entered the Kitchen I noticed my foster mother buttering some toast and setting the plate.
“Mom you’re a guest I should be the one making the breakfast not you.” I said, but secretly I am glad she made it she makes the best eggs over easy and the bacon is usually cooked just right with a pinch of Cajun seasoning.
“Non-sense, you was always my favorite to cook for Jackson! Besides it gives me a chance to talk to you alone as well. She said as she made her way around the table and kissed my forehead.
I smiled as I realized that Kandra said she was going to Utica to meet with an associate today. So it looks like I have momma all to myself. I reached over the table and added salt and pepper to my breakfast and started to eat. I did however wondered what she wanted to talk to me about as she usually talks my ear off on the phone making sure I am doing everything that the shrink says to do and so on.
“Jackson, I have a lot of things I need to address all I ask is that you listen to everything before saying anything back.” she nervously said as she sat down in the chair right next to me.
I can tell she was really serious by the tone in her voice and the way she has locked her eyes with mine. Instead of eating the rest of the breakfast I turned and faced her giving her my full attention.
Slightly uncomfortable about the situation she began to speak. “Well Jackson as you know Tyler and I took you in at a very young age. What you don’t know is that we knew your birth parents very well your father and Tyler worked together as undercover CIA agents. You have an older half-sister Autumn Rizzo.” She stops talking for a moment and observes my reaction.
Rizzo, that name sounded so familiar like I have heard it before. Puzzled I did my best to keep my composure and gave Amber a half of a smile as I continued to listen to what she had to say.
A little bit of tears rolled down her cheek as she grabbed my wrist and rubbed her thumb up and down. “The name Rizzo sounds familiar doesn’t it? I know it does because you screamed it last night and I am sure Bartez flaunted it. Your real name is Alexander James Rizzo, you and your family was put into witness protection after your father killed Bartez father in a gun fight after he blew his cover in order to save Tyler.” she said
I pulled my hand away from her and there was no more hiding my feelings I was confused and upset. I wondered why they kept this information from me. I could understand them keeping it from me as I grew up but once I was an adult. They should have told me hell I have three kids who carries around the Ford last name.
I was done listening upset I stood up from the table. “What? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I have three kids Amber what am I supposed to do, tell them that their last name is Rizzo not Ford? Is there any other information that I should know? I said as I slammed my hand down on the table.
The front door to the house opened and Kandra along with my shrink Cortney walked in.
In complete tears she pointed at the door as Kandra walked in. “Ask her she is the one that sent you there after they killed Dylan.” she screamed at me.
Feeling betrayed by everyone I pushed my foster mother out of the way Kandra tried to grab my arm but I pulled it away and left my house slamming the door behind me as the scene fades to black.
Corrupt Ent
Lowell, Ma
30 May 2016
“Last week was just the start. I had my mind set on one thing and well as everyone who witness the destruction of Simon Raines can now say that they have seen perfection at its best. I am willing to bet that we will not see Simon around anytime soon. Which kind of sucks because I was looking forward to him playing Simon says with Fight one’s front office. We need someone to keep the children entertained and occupied while I put Fight one on the map. I guess I will have to let everyone climb on my back so I can carry this company to the top.”
“So this week our contender fearless leader has booked me in a three way match against Alexander Hayes and Eddie dread which is a qualifying match for the number one contender’s match. I believe that there is another match going on the same night that is a three way that the winner of that qualifies for the number one contenders match. The three stooges in that match are Vortex, Spider and Simon Raines, I guess I spoke to soon on Simon Raines. He lose against me last week but still gets a little push to possibly qualify for the number ones contenders match. It shouldn’t surprise me Eddie Dread is getting the same push. Honestly it they should just give me the number ones contender but now days everything has to be politically correct. What a bunch of sissies.”
“I might not know who I am exactly, am I Caleb Ayers, or am I Jackson Ford, or hell am I Alexander Rizzo? There is one thing for sure that I know and that is I am Excellent inside the ring. Inside a ring I feel at home I feel that I can inflict as much pain against the people who I face, Eddie Dread and Alexander Hayes will see that and feel it first hand at Unlimited .”
“I will once again show the Fight One universe why I am Dangerous by Design as I show both Dread, and Hayes why I am vicious by design, and why they call me an animal inside the ring because the things I will do to win a match are consider unhuman. Violence is just part of who I am do your research on who I am it will back up my claim.”