Missing in Action: A Jackson Ford Story –Part two: Rewind

The Set-Up Puerto Arista, Mexico
July 4th 2015

It was a beautiful night, a gentle breeze blew softly against my face as I sat out by the beach watching the wave’s crash against the reefs. I was sitting along the beach with a cooler next to me drinking a nice cold Modelo especial. Thinking to myself about how much better the Modelo taste than Corona, I grabbed another one out of the cooler and before I can open it I hear a voice.

“Excuse me sir, but you are that famous wrestler Jackson Ford?” she asked in a well-spoken voice.

I turned and looked, and to my surprise it was a beautiful attractive lady who looked to be I her mid-twenties. With-out hesitation I immediately replied. “Well yes I am!” I paused for a moment before speaking again. “Who might you be?” I asked in a charming tone.

“My name is Mia.” she pauses to take a deep breath and the she spoke. “Do you mind if I join you?” She nervously asked.

“Sure would you like a Modelo as well?” I asked

She nodded her head to signal yes so I grabbed a bottle before handing it to her I opened it. “You speak very well English, do you mind me asking where did you learn to speak it?” I curiously asked.

“Well Jackson I actually live in El Paso, Texas I am just down here helping my father and brother out with a problem with their business, hopefully it will be cleared up by tomorrow night so I can enjoy being back here for a little bit.” She said with an angelic like smile as she tried to slide closer to Me.

I started to feel a little uneasy with her. “Umm, Mia I have to tell you that I am not really looking to hook up with anyone. I am just getting out of a marriage and I need to take a break and collect myself. That is partly what this trip is for is to clear my head as well as push forward with a charity that a good friend of mine was doing before he passed away.” I said as I looked into her eyes.

“I am sorry.” She said. As she made her way to her feet she accidently knocks over my beer. “oh my bad, allow me to get you another beer while you clean yourself. She said.

I stood up and took my shirt off to use it as a towel to wipe the beer off from my leg. Mia in the meantime grabbed another beer she opened it and slipped in some sort of pill.

She turned and handed me the beer, in a slightly soft voice she spoke. “Jackson, again I am sorry. I feel really embarrassed for everything I think it is best that I go.”

Before I could get a word off she ran up the shore instead of me chasing her I just guzzled down that beer. While reaching into the cooler to grab another beer the ground started spinning and my eyes started getting heavy. Everything went pitch black as I fell to the ground passing out.

I woke up several hours later in a dark room chained up to the wall. I heard footsteps walking my way, the door opened to the room and Rolando Bartez a well-known cartel leader walked in with a whip, Taser and a torch. He laid them out on the table, before turning the chair where it was facing me he took a seat and smiled.


Inside the mind of Jackson

“Dangerous by choice is not just a slogan. It is a way of life for me. Growing up I didn’t have the normal childhood or the upbringing that other people have had. At a very young age I watched my father get killed and my mother disappearing thought to be kidnapped. I was in and out of numerous reform schools before I was ten years old. Now why would I talk about that? It is simple I want to let everyone in Fight One know that I have always been fucked up in the head, and with what happened to me this past year It just reinforces it. I love pain. I love to dish out pain and I love to receive pain.”

“Rumors, they are the root of all evil. As some if not all of you know I have a history with Myke Adams who is a member of the Devils Rejects. Some of you are so stupid that because of the friendship and respect that we have for each other I am the newest member of the Devils Rejects. My social media has blown up with questions about that. Well allow me to kill this rumor. I am not nor will I ever be a member of the Devils Rejects. Don’t get me wrong I love seeing Myke free from the restraints that the man tries to keep him in. Myke also knows that I will watch his back. However I got to do me and the Devils Rejects are not me.”

“Dream King so your dreams becomes reality? So let me ask you did you have a dream about being placed in this triple threat match? I hear all this talk about you dreaming of me, dude let me just tell you I don’t swing that way. I like women now don’t get me wrong I can respect that you like guys and more power to you and the guy who will steal your heart I am just letting you know that guy will not be me. Ha…Ha…Ha… all jokes a side Dream King, if you was really dreaming of me then you must realize that I am your worst nightmare like I told you before I am a sadistic animal inside the ring I will look for blood and I will not stop you can beg and plead me to stop but I will not. I will make sure that you will only be able to dream about a day when you use to walk.”

“Now moving on to Ana. Ana I was able to put together a little bit from your ramblings so first thing first history lesson. Henry Ford no relation well at least I don’t thinks so; he is the founder of Ford motor company. So your silly ramblings make no sense and I am starting to think you have no common sense at all. I hear you talk about Baz like he is the greatest thing since Jesus. You talk about how you beat him. Well baby I am not Baz I am not afraid to make you scream my name in the middle of the ring when I bend you over my knee and give you a spanking while the Daughters of Darkness are forced to watch you be humiliated in the ring. Ana, seriously though I think you are my only competition in this match because you and I both know that the Dream King will be off in the corner somewhere dreaming about some weird shit or whatever. So just expect me to come at you with everything I got plus more.”

“Who is Malicious by design? I am. Who is Sadistic by design? I am! Whose choice is it to be Dangerous? It is my choice. Dream King and Ana Archia will realize that I am what I say I am. I will show them why I am Malicious, Sadistic and Excellent by design. They will learn that those three characteristics combine gives me no other choice but to be dangerous. I will see the both of you at Contraband, don’t be late!”
