Somewhere in Mexico
6 July 2015
There I was chained to the wall still a little groggy from the night before. Unaware that the well-known ruthless leader of the Bartez-Melina Cartel, Rolando Bartez was sitting there glaring at me. As I try to stand up, I keep falling back down.
“Hello there young Alexander Rizzo. Oh I forgot you don’t know who that is as your adoptive parents hid the fact that your name was changed to protect you and what you witness when you was just a little boy, Jackson. He growled.
Confusion set in I didn’t know how he knew what he knew. Questions set in. I tried to pull myself away from the wall. Only to be stopped by the chains.
e “What do you want? What did I do to you?” I yelled out to him.
Bartez stood up grabbing the whip that he laid on the table when he entered the room. He began to whip me causing me to scream in pain.
“Silence!” he demanded as he continued to whip Me.
The pain was excruciating, the blood started seeping through my shirt. Just before passing out due to the pain I glanced up at Bartez who seemed to be enjoying himself.
Several hours later I was awaken to a bucket of water being tossed on me. My shirt was ripped off Bartez was standing above me smoking a cigar my hands reached grabbing a hold of his pants I tried to pull myself up only for him to put his cigar out on my back and then he kicked me causing me to fall back down to the floor. Bartez then sat down in the chair.
“You know I thought for sure I killed that foundation when I killed its founder Dylan Cage, Now here you are a blast from my past looking just like your father, doing the same thing that Mr. Cage payed the price for. Many years ago I killed your father for betraying me and costing me to lose millions in my line of work. You see Jackson it doesn’t pay to trying to do harm to my business you will wind up dead. However, you my lad has someone who truly cares about your well-being and I am not talking about my daughter Mia, nor am I talking about your mother who so happens to be my wife and the mother of Mia.” He said as he chuckled a little. Puzzled and still trying to process all the information Bartez had fed me, I replied with a weak shattered voice. “What do you mean?”
Bartez pulled my iPhone out of his pocket, he smiled.
“You know you should really learn to lock your phone, anyone could get your information pictures and so on off from your phone. For instance I opened up your contacts and scrolled down and saw the name Kandra Cage, so using your phone I took pictures of you bleeding and sent it in a text to her. I then sent her an account number and told her she needs to wire me two million dollars if she ever wants to see you alive again I was nice I told her she could make payments and I will send her videos of you moving to show that you are alive. I then told her what I did to her husband.” he uttered before pausing for a moment. “Jackson you see I have been tormenting you for years. Do you think it was luck that Logan and your mother found you? I had them infiltrate your life to find out everything about you. Why would I do that you ask. I didn’t plan on it but I found out that someone was digging up the past trying to figure out who killed your father and why. I thought it was you. Come to find out it was your quote brother Dylan.” Bartez said.
The door to the room opened and in walked my mother she was carrying a plate of food, she sat it down on the floor in front of me. Filled with rage I reach up and grabbed her hair and pulled her head down slamming it across the floor. Outraged with what I have done Bartez stood up and took his knee hitting me across my forehead knocking me down to the floor. He stomped on my hand breaking my fingers. A Face full of blood my mother grabbed the whip and started whipping me as the scene fades away.
Lake George, New York
20th May 2016
“We’re here!” Kandra yelled out as she walked through the door.
I rubbed my hands down my face as I stood up. My stomach made some weird noises as I tried to walk but it was like I was frozen there. I had a million thoughts running through my mind. The main one being how my kids would act once they realize who I am?
“There you are, are you coming in there are three little bundles of joy who are inside.” She said as she peeked her head outside the door.
“You didn’t tell them who they are coming to see did you?” Taking in a deep breath, I asked before exhaling.
She looked at me and shook her head from left to right a few times to signal no before turning and going back inside.
Relieved that she didn’t say anything I rounded up all the courage in my body closed my eyes and slowly walked through the door. Every step I took I could feel my heart skipping a beat. Once inside I opened my eyes and there they were playing with each other. Kandra was sitting on the sofa holding Penelope. I eased my way over to where the boys was playing, taking a seat next to them. Jacques and Christian both looked over at me unable to recognize who I am, Christian feeling uneasy moves back away a little.
“Can I play with you guys?” I asked as I reached out to grab a toy.
Jacques quickly smacks my hand. “We don’t know you mister.” He said as he pulled the toys out of my reach.
Unsure what to do I looked over at Kandra who was moving her lips and nodding her head for me to tell them.
I knew I had to do it. I also knew it might be hard. Not knowing what their reaction would be I stared at both of them for a moment. The anxiety was breathtaking, I had no other choice I had to tell them. “But you do know me It is me, I am you Dad.” I said.
Both, Christian and Jacques look at each other and then they turn and took a good look at me. Jacques being the fearless one stands up and walks over to me, he looks at me rubbing his hand across my face and then through my hair. He looks into my eyes and shakes his head. It is almost like he can tell that I am his daddy.
“If you are our daddy prove it.” he said.
“How?” I asked.
Jacques stood there and thought for a moment, just as he was about to say something Christian spoke up.
“I got this brother.” Christian said as he stood up and walked over to me he looked at me and smiled. With a glare of happiness in his eyes he spoke. “In order to prove that you are our daddy show us my favorite tattoo.”
I knew he was referring to the tattoo that was located on the right side of my chest it was a tattoo picture of him and Jacques when they was 2 years old. Christian use to always point at it and say that’s me, daddy.
I smiled and then winked at him like I use to do. Christian and I have this connection that I don’t have with Jacques. It is mostly due to back when I was married to Xaria their mother Christian would spend time with me while Jacques quite frankly would be joined at Xaria’s hip. I still love all my kids the same I have no favorites there is just certain things that I can do and Christian will get it. I am willing to bet the same goes for Jacques and Xaria.
“Christian, why don’t you take a look to see if it’s there.” I said as Christian inched closer and closer to Me.
Christian nodded his head in agreement he grabs my t-shirt and pulls it up over my head, I finished taking it off. Christian’s face lit up with joy seeing that tattoo. He wrapped his arms around me giving me a hug before releasing he gave me a kiss on the side of my cheek. He runs over to Jacques. Jacques face said it all he wasn’t willing to accept the fact that I was back.
“Come on brother give daddy a hug, aren’t you glad see him?” Christian, asked his brother while grabbing him and trying to pull him over to him.
Jacques didn’t want to have anything to do with me. It hurt me, but I wasn’t going to push the issue. I stood up and made my way to the sofa where Penny was starting to wake up from a nap her eyes opened up and the smile she has on her face was so precious, However when I picked her up I could feel her body tense up. I knew it was because it’s been a year since she seen me she was a little over three months when I left. I looked over at Christian who was still pulling on Jacques.
“Hey Christian, Jacques will come when he is ready. How about you help me with your sissy. I said as sat down on the sofa.
Christian let go of his brother who fell backwards luckily Kandra was standing there she caught him before he could hurt himself. Jacques started to cry for Xaria. I gave Kandra a phone signal letting her know it was alright for him to call his mother. She took him into the other room where I didn’t have to hear him begging for his mom to come get him.
Christian climb up on the sofa and sat next to me he looked at his sister and took her hand calming her down a little bit. “Penny, this is our daddy remember I told you all about him? He has a different face now, I don’t know why though but I will find out but you should give him a hug because he loves you. Don’t be like brother. Christian insisted as Penny just giggled at her big brother.
Penny was still hesitant and she only smiled because Christian was sitting there holding her hand. I reached over for the remote to the DVD player. I had a DVD of us as a family just in case and so I hit play. Christian noticed it and immediately started watching it.
“Sissy watch there is daddy he is rocking you when you was a baby.” he said as he wrapped himself with my one arm. “I missed you daddy. Where was you?” he said as he glared up at my face.
“I wish I could tell you bubby but for now it is best that you do not know, There is one thing I want you to know.” pausing for a moment. “I missed you and your bother and your sister, you guys are my life. I love you all so much.” I said as I kissed the topped of his forehead.
I know eventually that I am going to have to tell him about what happened to me, but for now I just want him to be a kid. I don’t want his view of the world to change.
Penny at first had no interested in the DVD until she heard Xaria talking about how I am going to spoil our daughter. It probably didn’t have any effect on Penny but now that she is watching the DVD maybe she might start to understand. The scene fades away as Jacques makes his way into the room and sits on the floor and watch’s the DVD.
Corrupt Inc.
Lowell, Ma.
22 July 2016
“It is time that I take off the safety gloves and just go back to my old ways not giving a fuck what people think and telling them where to stick it. I mean take a look back in my early days, Revival to be exact, I didn’t care what people thought of me, I spoke my mind to the powers that be and enjoyed kicking ass for the hell of it. The past few years being married to that ugly bitch Xaria, must of soften me up a little bit. At one point in time I would have accused our executive personnel, Serenity and Aidan Morag of having a love affair, but we know that that isn’t true. Serenity has a love affair with herself, and Aidan Morag, is still trying to figure out if he has hit puberty yet.”
“Despite Fight One being an extension of Fight One Xperience, the two have had a lot of similarities, I remember when Seth Dryden left the company back then and vacated the title much like Shyla Clemmens did a couple of weeks ago. The wrestlers here in Fight One are idiotic, a bunch of those so called wrestlers sat back and watch two outsiders fight over the Outlaw title instead of getting involved to keep the title here in this company. What is even more pathetic, you have half of the roster fighting against the Devils Rejects sitting back it’s like watching monkeys trying to fight a lion. The monkeys doesn’t stand a chance against the king of the jungle. Now I am not saying that the Devils Rejects are the king of fight one, but still the ‘resistance’ doesn’t stand a chance.”
“Simon I want you to realize that until our match you have had it fairly easy here in Fight One, you haven’t face someone who is known for being brutal. Yeah sure you faced my buddy Myke Adams, but Myke is a teddy bear compared to me. I also realized that you faced Corey Grant, one half of DomiNAtion, well honestly Corey Grant and Vin both are the tickle me Elmo’s of Fight One. When you step into the ring with me at Unlimited you will think that Aidan Morag is out to get you. Hell you somehow managed to get pass Myke Adam’s last week of course you got a beat down after the match by Fight Ones version of The Insane Clown Posse. Myke was plan A, This week I am plan B. Plan B is always the better way to go.”